This is the blog of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Orleans, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Welcome!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Adopt a Window!

The Buildings and Grounds Committee has been hard at work considering what to do about the wonderful double-casement windows in our church. The windows are opened in May and September before the air-conditioning or heating is turned.

So far, we have replaced three windows in the nave. Labor is expensive because we have chosen to keep the old glass and insert it into the new sashes. The two windows in the narthex need to be dealt with immediately due to rotting sashes. In addition, there are 15 more double-casements and three single half-sized windows which could be replaced.
In the meantime, we are trying to keep the old windows in operating order. They need re-setting, glazing and painting badly!

It has been suggested that there may be parishioners interested in “adopting” a window...that is, making a contribution to the church for the purpose of replacing one or more windows. We estimate that a double-casement window will cost around $3000 to install; a single half-size window, $1500; and a narthex window, $2000.

Donations of any size are welcome, and those participating will be named in a book displayed in the Reception Room. Church committees or groups such as the Choir or the Sunday Book Discussion Group could join together to sponsor a window.

If you are interested, please call Dave Moore at 508-247-9452; or Nat Goddard at 508-255-3818 (cell: 774-722-5352).

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